Brett Chatz

Brett Chatz

Brett is an internationally published sports journalist, political analyst, and medical fiction author. His commentary is seen in The Star, The Citizen, Tampa Bay Times, The Street, The Sowetan, The Sunday Times, The Sunday Independent, and across hundreds of online and print media platforms. He is the author of ‘Cricket Chatz’ and the highly-acclaimed, ‘Serum’. 
A sports loving writer, with a focus on adrenaline-loaded action on court, or the field of play, he applies his insights to the competitive world of professional and amateur sports. Brett graduated from UNISA with a Bachelor of Commerce in economics, and completed post-graduate studies at University of Haifa, in Israel.

As the head tennis coach at Capital Camps in Pennsylvania, and a general sports manager for several seasons at Manor Courses in the UK, he has coached scores of kids from all over the world. He now lives and works in Florida, USA where he supports the Miami Marlins, and Miami Dolphins.

Biggest Crowds at March Madness

There is one basketball tournament that captivates America's attention like none other – NCAA March Madness. According to the official data from NCAA Division 1 Men's Basketball, between 1970 and 2018, the attendance figures have steadily crept up over the years at many schools, but this pattern has not been consistent throughout. Given the large sample of data available to us, I have limited my date range to more recent years between 2010 and 2018, to include the Top 5 teams every year in that date range.

Brett Chatz
By Brett Chatz
March 13,2020

10 Most Valuable CBB Teams

The top-ranked colleges in the US also feature some of the most valuable CBB teams – but not always! Think Cornell, Harvard, Yale, Columbia – they’re Ivy League but their CBB teams are hardly that valuable in terms of their ability to win their division, let alone the NCAA Championships.

Brett Chatz
By Brett Chatz
March 12,2020

UEFA Champions League 2 of 2

The UEFA Champions League continues in earnest with Round 2 of 2. In this post, sports expert Brett Chatz looks at the likely performances of the top teams.
Brett Chatz
By Brett Chatz
March 11,2020

College Basketball’s 10 Winningest Teams

March Madness truly brings out the basketball beast in every one of us! It’s my favorite time of year for CBB action, and the fierce competition in this knockout-style tournament is testament to that. According to the NCAA, the state with the greatest number of men’s basketball victories for NCAA Division 1 is none other than New York state.  

Brett Chatz
By Brett Chatz
March 10,2020

Top Venues for Spring Training

Which baseball stadiums rank among the best venues for spring training? Let's go down to the bullpen to find out where players and fans are most comfortable.
Brett Chatz
By Brett Chatz
March 9,2020